Platts Market Data - Petrochemicals
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The Platts Market Data - Petrochemicals dataset provides access to the full breadth and depth of Platts petrochemicals market data, including benchmarks and contract price assessments. With this dataset, you have a more connected view of the influences on the price of petrochemicals through access to the industry's only integrated data sets across commodities, regions and verticals.
You can utilize this dataset to diverse new data sets to stimulate fresh thinking and inform new strategies while also utilizing historical data to enable you to look at past market trends to inform your future plans and back testing needs.
This dataset includes:
- Petrochemical Feedstocks
- Aromatics & Blendstocks, including benchmark Paraxylene, Benzene and MTBE assessments
- Olefins
- Polymers & Recycled Plastics
- Solvents
- Intermediates, including benchmark Methanol assessments
Vendor information
At S&P Commodity Insights, our complete view of global energy and commodities markets enables our customers to make decisions with conviction and create long-term, sustainable value. We’re a trusted connector that brings together thought leaders, market participants, governments, and regulators to co-create solutions that lead to progress. Vital to navigating Energy Transition, S&P Commodity Insights’ coverage includes oil and gas, power, petrochemicals, metals, agriculture and shipping.
- Primary Entity TypeCommodity
- Geographic CoverageGlobal
- Industry CoverageEnergy and Utilities
- History Initiated1982
- Earliest Significant Coverage1985
- Point In TimeYes
- Point In Time DetailsOffers the timestamp of when a specific price is assessed or corrected
- Delivery ChannelAPI, Cloud, Feed
- Delivery PlatformAPI, AWS Data Exchange, Databricks Delta Share, FTP, Snowflake
- Reporting FrequencyIntraday
- Dataset LatencyIntraday