Platts Market Data - LNG
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The Platts Market Data - LNG dataset provides access to the full breadth and depth of our LNG market data, including benchmarks and contract price assessments. The dataset includes key LNG price assessment, Platts JKM, so you can spot physical cargoes delivered ex-ship into Japan and South Korea (with normalized prices for spot cargoes to China and Taiwan also included) alongside JKM swaps.
You can utilize this dataset to access daily LNG spot market assessments including delivered ex-ship prices for Northwest (NWE) and Mediterranean (MED), West India and the Middle East and free onboard assessments for the US Gulf Coast (GCM) and East Atlantic, as well as other regional assessments.
This dataset includes:
- LNG carrier day rates, Time-Charter Rates (TCR), global LNG freight route costs, LNG Bunker assessments, alternative fuels and cargo data
- Location Assessment for:
- North America: Platts Gulf Coast Marker (GCM)
- APAC: Platts Japan Korea Marker (JKM)
- EMEA: Platts Mediterranean Marker (MED), Platts Northwest Europe Marker (NWE)
- West India: Platts West India Marker (WIM)
Vendor information
At S&P Commodity Insights, our complete view of global energy and commodities markets enables our customers to make decisions with conviction and create long-term, sustainable value. We’re a trusted connector that brings together thought leaders, market participants, governments, and regulators to co-create solutions that lead to progress. Vital to navigating Energy Transition, S&P Commodity Insights’ coverage includes oil and gas, power, petrochemicals, metals, agriculture and shipping.
- Primary Entity TypeCommodity
- Coverage Count600
- Geographic CoverageGlobal
- Industry CoverageEnergy and Utilities
- History Initiated2000
- Earliest Significant Coverage2001
- Point In TimeYes
- Point In Time DetailsOffers the timestamp of when a specific price is assessed or corrected
- Field Count10s
- Delivery ChannelAPI, Cloud, Feed
- Delivery PlatformAPI, AWS Data Exchange, Databricks Delta Share, FTP, Snowflake
- Reporting FrequencyIntraday
- Dataset LatencyIntraday