S&P Capital IQ Estimates
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The S&P Capital IQ Estimates dataset is the most comprehensive global estimates based on projections, models, analysis and research. This dataset can be used to evaluate earnings estimates to select stocks and manage investment performance and to track the direction and magnitude of upgrades and downgrades and more.
Available as Global, International or North American company packages, this dataset includes:
- Consensus Estimates: Aggregate analyst estimates for public companies
- Detail Estimates: Historical and current estimates for specific trading items or companies
- Company Guidance: A public company's estimates on its own future profit or loss
- Analyst Coverage: Estimates of public companies at any point in time provided by brokers and analysts
- Consensus Analysis: Estimated growth rates and estimate surprise calculations
- Estimate Revisions: Upward and downward changes of broker estimates
- Industry Estimates: Airlines, Banks, Education, Healthcare, Home-Building, Hotels & Restaurants, Insurance, Metals and Mining, Multi-Financial, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology, Real Estate, Retail, Telecommunications & Media
Vendor information
At S&P Global Market Intelligence, we understand the importance of accurate, deep and insightful information. Our team of experts delivers unrivaled insights and leading data and technology solutions, partnering with customers to expand their perspective, operate with confidence, and make decisions with conviction.
- Primary Entity TypeCompany
- Coverage Count20,000+
- Geographic CoverageGlobal
- Industry CoverageConsumer, Energy and Utilities, Financials, Healthcare, Industrials, Materials, Real Estate, Technology, Media & Telecommunications
- History Initiated1996
- Earliest Significant Coverage1996
- Point In TimeYes
- Point In Time DetailsTimestamp whenever a detail is collected or corrected.
- Data SourceResearch documents
- Field Count100s
- Delivery ChannelAPI, Cloud, Desktop, Feed
- Delivery PlatformAPI, API Drive, ClariFI®, FTP, Marketplace Extract, Marketplace Workbench, S&P Capital IQ, S&P Capital IQ Pro, Snowflake, Xpressfeed™
- Reporting FrequencyNear Real Time
- Dataset LatencyNear Real Time
- Dataset Size (GB)1,000